Monday, December 30, 2019
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Essay on Shakespeare A Master of Tragedy, As Seen in...
Some of the world’s greatest and most recognized writers were and are masters of the tragedy. Though everybody enjoys a nice tragedy in a book or play once and again. One overwhelming in deaths and disasters would defiantly be a turnoff to many. However, a classic trait for many Shakespearian pieces would be rather high in these. One perfect example being his infamous play Julius Caesar. Jealousy, power and war, all of which being huge bullets in the plot of the play. What to say it’s main scheme of it would have to be the conspiracy to murder the Caesar, and the conspirators that helped complete this bloody task. To do so, there were many events that led up to it, thus including the subplot. What this would’ve been most likely was†¦show more content†¦Out of the many tragedies in this play, there are two major ones: these of Gaeus Julius and Brutus. Its my personal belief that Brutus s[change to last name] is greater however, for, Julius honestly had his murder coming to him and due to his own ignorance and huge ego, he had no idea. Brutus however, was really just not able to focus on the things around him or show any emotion whatsoever, which in turn did loose his wife’s life and cause him to end his own. You really can’t help the wy you are, in many respects, but complete selfishness and being overly egotistical really can be avoided if you were to ask my opinion. Don’t take this the wrong way though, for both conflicts are rather horrid either way. Everybody and every thing has some motive as to why it happens or does what it does. In this case however, there were a group of conspirators plotting the murder of Julius Caesar; the two most important however were Marcus Brutus and Caius Cassius. Their reasons for the murder of Caesar were rather different, yet vaguely similar. Their means of similarity would include that neither one of the two liked Julius’s huge ego and â€Å"everybody loves me†attitude. Rightfully, that is. Also, since they both know he truly does want the crown, though they would too if in his position, couldn’t stand him. These aims also had many, many differences. For example, Cassius’s main reason was that he was a high supporter ofShow MoreRelatedShakespearean Comedy Vs. Tragedy1777 Words  | 8 PagesShakespearean Comedy vs. Tragedy Some people tend to think that William Shakespeare was some famous writer that was only capable of spitting out sad love stories. This is widely disproved through the reading of multiple Shakespearean works. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019
Bounded Rationality in Education Free Essays
I am inspired most by the cognitive bias and the risk control of the decision- making while learning this course. Having been engaged in the financial industry for years, I am deeply aware of the fact that most individual investors tend to perform those bounded rationalities for characteristics of decision-making while making investment, but I can’t find out the reason for their existence. After learning this course, however, I feel suddenly enlightened. We will write a custom essay sample on Bounded Rationality in Education or any similar topic only for you Order Now The phenomenon that has bothered me so long is caused under the influence of the cognitive bias and emotion which will affect the risk assessment and judgment made to the investment object. In western countries, most families make investment mainly in dominant financial assets including stock, bond, real estate and insurance and have strong awareness of the risk averse in above fields. Meanwhile, there’re many organizations and books about the decision-making that are referred to by the individual investor. In Chinese families, in addition to the above investment of the financial assets, the investment of the family education, as a special form which involves all Chinese people, takes a large proportion. This is because a long-term funding is made by parents ever since their kids are born as a result of the non-free education in China. Never let children lose at the starting line†and â€Å"education is the largest investment†are two popular education ideas in our country, which comprehensively inflect the current situation of Chinese families’ investment to the children education. As parents put the entire earning into their kids, a good return is surely expected. But since income is companied with risk, Chinese education investment, therefore, belongs to the risk investment and, meanwhile, has the specific characteristic that is not co vered in western theory. The invest object in this essay is mainly about the education domain in China, I think it’s also necessary to apply the theory of this course to avoiding the influence of the cognitive bias as well as the mental trap and the irrationality in the education investment. By introducing the behavioral motive of the education investors, I intend to master its pattern and make judgment of the irrational behavior, which, I believe, will help protect the interest of the family investor. Finding The misunderstanding of the family education investment in China is generated mainly because investors, i. e. parents, make blind investment without thinking about their economic conditions, the investment risk as well as the personalized growth of their children. In traditional Chinese culture, parents’ education investment to their children is unconditional and selfless, which lead to a lack of scientific and rational planning as well as decision in the education investment in many families and, meanwhile, cause some misunderstandings. The â€Å"following blindly†phenomenon of purely pursuing high and abroad education is becoming more and more violent. Considering the cognitive bias of investors, the education investment with high expectation and input, instead of bringing expected return to the family members, leads to extra economic burden and, at the same time, might influence the development of the educatees’ career in the future. As attention has been paid to the generation of the misunderstanding of the education investment behavior, many scholars make analysis in terms of the government policies, the social environment, the high education and other macro level. Through learning the course, I, on the other hand, would like to say that the education investment is mainly from the cognitive bias while investors make their decision. The cognitive bias includes all kinds of decision-making bias caused by the restraint of investors’ cognitive psychology and external environment. The cognitive bias of the decision-making of the family education investment is generated under the influence of the external environment and socio-cultural background with the asymmetric information as well as the cognitive level and personal preference of investors, which causes the lean on Heuristic. Bazerman argued that the misapplication of heuristics to inappropriate situations leads people astray. It’s difficult to calculate the specific input and output of the family education investment in a quantitative way, resulting in the ambiguity of the assessment of the effect of the education investment. As there’re a large number of variables of the non-monetary cost-benefit in the education investment, our estimation has to be adopted to judge the cognitive part SYSTEM 1. Analysis Despite the difference in the investment object between the education and the traditional investment, the behavior of the education investment of a family which is as a micro investor, is subject to the risk of the expected return of the investment, the risk as well as the influence of other corresponding factors, which has common character with the investment behavior in the decision-making. The science of behavior and decision-making, as a course between the marginality of the psychology and the economics, tries to involve the behavior of the irrational complex investors into the standard theory of the decision-making by making amendment to the assumption of the traditional management theory according to the research findings in the psychology. In our study, we find the decision-making theory laying more emphasis on people’s â€Å"bounded rationality†. It explains the investor behavior and makes it more close to reality based on the theories of the cognitive psychology and the behavioral science as well as related principles of the economics. Under the condition of uncertainty, some cognitive factors will influence people to make their decision. The most common way is to make decision by adopting â€Å"the elicitation method†by investors. It’s not easy to make a rational investment while facing the risk mainly because it can’t avoid the heuristic bias in the decision of the family education investment. The effect of the demonstration by example of the education investment income and the representativeness heuristic. Family investors usually care too much about the prominent, specific and typical information while neglecting the abstract and complex data. Therefore, parents often take typical cases learned through media as the foundation and reference for the decision-making, which might be influenced by the â€Å"representativeness heuristic bias†. For example, some families help their children study abroad considering the successful cases they know, though overseas study might not fit them at all. It is believed that people can find familiar modes to make judgment by assuming that the circumstance in the future is similar to that in the past without thinking about the reason of how those modes happen or the repeat probability of those modes. Decisions and judgments made under the condition of uncertainty are not accurately calculated and analyzed by using the probability theory in the assumption of the â€Å"Rational Man†. It is firmly convinced by investors with â€Å"representativeness bias†in the stock market that a â€Å"good company†can surely produce â€Å"good stock†, similarly some parents will believe that a â€Å"good school†can foster â€Å"good students†, which typically embodies the representativeness bias. The limitation of searching information by investors and the availability heuristic. Regarding the availability heuristic, some people think that it is generated due to the overwhelming memory and search bias, that is to say, not all information will be searched unbiasedly while related information is searched in memory. Decision makers of families tend to use information that is easy to access, so the limitation in searching information is inevitable since people can’t have a comprehensive knowledge about the professional quality of education providers, the demand for the education products in future market as well as the state of educatee’s endeavor and intelligence. We can say that the characteristics of the information insufficiency and asymmetry really stand out. Besides, there’s a distinct asymmetry in the cost and benefit of the education investment caused by the hysteretic nature of the decision-making effectiveness of the education investment. The decision-making of the education investment, built based on the future expectation, is a subjective expected value by people. Information that is searched from memory in the first place will become the major foundation for people to make judgment and decision as this information has advantage in the stimulus frequency, novelty and vitality. For example, high education means high income. Studying at college is, on a whole, positively correlated to the income obtained by children in the future. Parents tend to compare their children with the group of the same age in the education level, usually with those accessible ones such as relatives, colleagues or those reported in news media. Compared with the complicated and boring calculation and prediction as well as the omnibearing information search that waste time and energy, people would rather picking common reference object as the decision foundation. Though it can simplify the process of decision-making and reduce its difficulty, the availability information has strong one-sidedness and bias can be seen in the behavior that the decision-makers pick the information itself. We can see from the above that the â€Å"availability bias†is a key factor not to be neglected in the misunderstanding of the family education investment. The competitive psychology and anchoring effect of the education investment. We often develop estimates by starting with an initial anchor that is based on whatever information is provided and adjust from the anchor to yield a final answer (Epley, 2004; Epley Gilovich, 2001). Mussweiler and Strack (1999) showed that the existence of an anchor leads people to think of information that is consistent with that anchor. The competition in the education investment shows parents’ expectation for their children while the competitive psychology can influence decision-makers’ normal investment behavior owing to the negative effect caused by the anchoring effect. Decision-makers, for lack of the quantitative analysis, usually refer to the obscure reference foundation obtained from former experience and make comparison as well as judgment of the input and income from one or several points of view, which will become the key point in the decision-making of the education investment. The competitive psychology is necessary for the achievement of higher value in one’s life. Many families, however, ignoring the specific circumstance of educatees, take the education investment as an unrealistic comparison caused by the anchoring effect which influences the investors to rationally adjust the â€Å"anchored†object. The family decision-makers will decide the investment direction and level according to the â€Å"anchored†assessment result by choosing external reference objects which distract their normal decision-making. Therefore, an irrational conclusion is generated. The bias produced by the education investment object can direct influence the decision of the investee. That is to say, the cognitive bias of the decision of obtaining employment appears among graduates, which consequently lead to the output of the education investment that is less than the expected return. Firstly, We can see the bounded rationality of the graduate employment from their overconfidence. The overconfidence might be the most stable psychological feature of human being since it is indicated in many evidences that people tend to be overconfident for the estimation of the occurrence probability of uncertain events while making decision. Thus bolstered by the availability of supportive evidence, we overestimated the accuracy of our knowledge and the truth of our tentative hypotheses (Koriat, Lichtenstein, Fischhoff,1980) This feature, however, can lead to an overestimation of their knowledge and ability, an underestimation of the existing risk as well as the exaggeration of their control ability of events and, what’s worse, the decision bias. Besides, the â€Å"Sheep-Flock Effect†that are based on information, reputation and reward can be found among graduates as a result of the herd mentality, which might influence graduates’ decision-making of obtaining employment as well. Second is the self-control bias. The so-called self-control means the control of emotion. Without the self-control, no rational decision can be made and, meanwhile, individuals tend to attribute success to themselves while failure to others or objective conditions. In obtaining employment, the failure is usually attributed to non-self factors such as the recruitment policy of enterprises or the stronger backstage of others instead of to students themselves or to the fact of whether they fit such enterprise culture and work environment. With such bias, students, even though be hired by certain enterprise, will finally be eliminated due to their weak adaptation. Solutions Owing to the feature of the family education investment, the investor is not exactly the beneficiary. The beneficiary of parents’ education investment is their children while its decision-makers are parents, so the quality and cognitive level of parents have an important influence to the investment behavior. With the strategies of our literature (Bazerman, Chapter 11), I supposed to provide three of them to solve our problem and increase the effectiveness of investor’s decision-making processes. In our case, parents should firstly DEBIAS JUDGEMENT to unfreeze their basic knowledge and psychology about the education investment and, by making analysis of typical cases, be guided to know the source and harm of various blind education investment as well as to think about the decision process and behavioral characteristic of themselves so as to avoid the herd mentality. The second solution should be provide to those administration department of the public. They should strengthen the informatization construction, lay stress on the policy advocacy and the public opinion’s influence to the family education investment as well as construct the â€Å"rational†environment of the education investment. Provided investors have enough accurate information, it will help avoid the generation of the bias and reduce the frequency of bias behavior. Meanwhile, the public opinion department should increase the information channels as well as the number of information issued and its promptness and accuracy so that media can correct the bias of investors’ behavior. Finally, Using expertise or taking a outsider’s view can be a good choice for our investors. The planning and consulting industry of personal career and special agency of the family financial management should be rapidly developed to make up the lack of the cognition of investors. Owing to the long period length and the irreversibility of the education investment, family decision-makers have no chance to learn and improve their behavior one more time. In that case, a special agency should be adopted to guide decision-makers to be more rational by making analysis of their psychology. As the decision-making of the family education investment is traditionally seen as a family issue that can only be decided by family members, a special agency is needed to make planning and guidance of the behavior with strong sense of subjectivity and irrationality. In some developed countries, the career planning companies as well as the assessment and testing agencies for the personality development of students are set up to make up the limitation of decision-makers’ cognition about the educated. There are a large number of institutional investors in the financial field which grasp detailed and accurate information as well as solid professional theoretical knowledge since they are professional investment organizations operated by technical investment staff with rich experience, so they usually can secure their ends in the market by their advantages compared to those medium and small investors. The latter has more â€Å"irrational†factors than institutional investors. Every individual decision of the family education investment is like the â€Å"private investor†in the stock market while enquiry agencies equipped with professionals and technical evaluation software are like the â€Å"institutional investor†which can make put forward the advice of the rational education investment as well as the prediction of the future return on the basis of fully respecting the individualization growth of students through the scientific analysis made by professionals and the systematic evaluation with the help of professional software, in which way the misunderstanding of the behavior can be effectively avoided. Conclusion In this essay, we have introduced the investment of the education in China, as a special investing form which involves all Chinese people, belongs to the risk investment and, meanwhile, has the specific characteristic that is not covered in western culture. Since it’s difficult to calculate the specific input and output of the family education investment in a quantitative way, I depicted five typical cognitive biases to evaluate the misunderstanding in our investment. The first three biases the representativeness heuristic, availability heuristic and anchoring belong to the investor. But the bias above produced by the education investors can direct influence the decision of the investee. The overconfidence and self-control bias become the main biases of the students when they graduated from school. With such biases, the utilities of the output always take disappointment. Owing to the biases, I also provide some strategies of our literature to solve our investing problem and increase the effectiveness of investor’s decision-making processes. By using expertise or taking a outsider’s view and debias judgment, investors are able to unfreeze their mindset and provide their children a better decision in education. References: [1] Max H. Bazerman Don A. Moore, 2009, Judgment In Managerial Decision Making, 7th Edition. [2] Tim Dalgleish Mick J. Power, 2000, Handbook of Cognition and Emotion, WILEY [3] Tversky A, Kahneman D. , 1974, Judgment under uncertainty: Heuristics and biases. Science. [4] Tversky A, Kahneman D. , 1972, Subjective probability: A judgment of representativeness. Cognitive psychology. [5] Shleifer, A. , 2000, Inefficient Markets: An Introduction to Behavioral Finance. Oxford: Oxford University Press. How to cite Bounded Rationality in Education, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
Case Study Paying Bribes Do Small Suppliers Have Choice
Question: Discuss about the Case Study Paying Bribes for Small Suppliers Have Choice. Answer: Individual Analysis Bribe entails taking or getting something valuable like money in order to get someone to do something. There has been an increased case of bribe especially to many organizations today. In the case study presented it highlights on the bribery cases especially to people working in private sector organization (Abbink, 2004). The concept of bribery in the organization was thought to only come from public organization, but this has cropped to the private organization as well. In this Case Study, the protagonist as Deepak is upright and does not agree with the aspect of bribe, organization should practice fairly, and honestly since, it is the most ethical thing to do (Ahmed, Chung Eichenseher, 2003). One of the identified roles in the play that can be identified is that of the main protagonist Deepak who is the sales manager. Deepak comes from a family of business people. His father ran a partnership with three of his friends. The individual joined his family business in mind 2008 and ass igned on the role of the sales manager, during the period there was recession in the country (Carrigan, Attalla, 2001). The role-play of this individual comes on the scene when he had received a call from the purchasing manager of a small company that wanted the t-shirt made for the workers and the order was valued at around Rs. 2,000,000 (Carroll Shabana, 2010). What should you say to whom, when and how? The conversation of Deepak and purchasing manager happen on the telephone. Deepak gets a call from the purchases manager, who places an order for t-shirt for the worker in his company. Deepak tells him he will draft a tender and present the deal for the t-shirt. He becomes so excited since the company have gotten a contract, and begin the process of making a tender. The next day he present their tender to that company and awaits whose tender would be accepted since there were other 4 companies applying for the same. The purchases manager explain that they are thinking considering his contract and that he wants ten percent as commission if the contract his awarded. A heated conversation briefly happens before the two and Deepak seek sometime to think about it. What are the main arguments you are trying to counter? What are the reasons and rationalizations you need to address? The primary contentions on this case are the situation of pay off. Deepak is shocked to see people utilized in the private part transparently requesting an influence (Jonson, McGuire and Cooper, 2016). This happened when the purchases manager requested a ten rate as commission from the organization to get delicate. Remuneration in the delicate has showed in various courses like for this situation. Different ways might be from impact, irreconcilable circumstance and the exchanging of impact (Kinderman, 2016). These perspectives have kept on showing in the acquirement cycle and need arises to deliver on such issues in order to have transparency, validity and business respectability (Kpers, 2016). What is at stake for the key parties (including those who disagree with you)? Various entities are at stake in this situation, the business and the partners. On the business the image be may in jeopardy especially when other competitor know the kind of business the company is doing (Parris, Dapko, Arnold Arnold, 2016). There should be fair trade aspects and each party should compete fairly without favor from another entity. The partners may lose if they did not take this deal. The company is lavishing to survive in business due to recession that had hit the country forcing many businesses to take little order from the company. They need to solve the cash flow problem (Islam, Dissanayake, Dellaportas Haque, 2016). 3. What levers or arguments could you use to influence those with whom you disagree? The leverage I would have on the purchasing manager is to tell him would report the matter to the seniors in their company because he is tarnishing their image. He is undertaking a business risk and does not promote transparency at the company he works at (Peri , Marki Peri , 2016). What is the most powerful and persuasive response to the reasons and rationalizations you need to address? To whom should the arguments be made? When and in what context? The issues that need to be addressed are the bribery case of the purchasing manager in the process of procurement cycle. The individual does not follow the code of ethics that guide on how the tenders are located (Rose-Ackerman, 2013). Bribery is one of misconduct in the case of procurement. There is need to address this issue especially to the management of my company and that of the ones that are seeking orders. There should be free fair trade in all activities a company undertakes and ethical aspect should be observed (Resick, Hanges, Dickson Mitchelson, 2006). Individual Analysis On this case study it highlights on how there are bribery cases even in the private sector. Previously it was thought that these things occur with the government official but it seemed it was not true. Bribery is in all the level and industry irrespective of the sector. Further, it highlights how a certain company struggles during a recession times to keep the business a float (Rose Peiffer, 2016). All the partners and determined to do what it takes to get new order for the business and enable it to continue in the operation. What should you say to whom, when and how? The role that have identified is that of Mr. Ashish. He is one of the partner in the company. On the script, there is a conversation that happens between him and Deepak when he wanted to seek advice in regards to a client who wanted a bribe so that he can reward the contract to the company. In this scene for the script happens a conversation of Mr. Ashish who is the uncle of Deepak and one of the partners of the company. This individual has handled similar cases in regards to obtaining new orders for the business. Seek approval of the other partners. What are the main arguments you are trying to counter? What are the reasons and rationalizations you need to address? The main arguments of on this are to expound on the need to practice good ethical behavior. It should be part of the culture in the business (Rose Peiffer, 2016). In the case, it clearly shows an argument occurring between Deepak and his uncle on the issue of bribe. This issue is unethical to the business and it should be clearly be explained at length on the dangers it possess to the business such as loss of confidence by the customer and it might motivate them to turn to the competitor for the same services you offered before thus, loss in the business opportunities (Svensson, 2002). What is at stake for the key parties (including those who disagree with you)? The issue at stake is the loss of business opportunities for the partners and the tarnish of the image of the organization. The organization if they do not give a commission the purchase manager is asking for, they will lose the contract to the competitors, which would not be good to the business. On the other hand, if they take give the bribe in the end the image of the company would be ruined especially if the press unmasked them, no organization will be willing to work with them (Uusitalo Oksanen, 2004). What levers or arguments could you use to influence those with whom you disagree? The main argument to employ here is to use case examples of the various companies, which had suffered if they adopted the option they were opting to take of offering bribe. I would also use the approach of looking for other alternative to leverage on the business by seeking transparent contract rather than short cut ways to be awarded the contract (Williams, Martinez-Perez Kedir, 2016). Nonetheless, there is need to address the issues associated with the unethical practices which are regarded with the highest impunity level as barbaric. 4. What is the most powerful and persuasive response to the reasons and rationalizations you need to address? To whom should the arguments be made? When and in what context? There are ramifications of engaging in unethical behavior, which the partners want to undertake. One of the effects of the poor ethical and moral practices in the business is lack of confidence and trust in the business. There is need for a company to maintain trust with the clients in order to maintain a profitability streak over a longtime (Zadek, 2006). A loss in the trust can reduce on the customers confident and motivate them to turn to the competitors, which will not be a good move for the company. This argument should be made to Mr. Ashish when he was asking that the offering bribe was not a new thing in the business, and Deepak should be the one to explain on the aspect in details of the effects of unethical business practices. Individual Analysis On the case study, it highlights on the issues of bribery that is seen in the private organization. It had been thought that it is only government officials who are corrupt; Deepak has proved this is not true. The case highlights on the challenges this individual faces especially when he has to convince the partners that they should not condone on corruption but rather enumerate on the best ethical practices in the business (Zadek, 2006). On this case, one of the highlighted role is that of the purchasing manager. This individual has undertaken bribes from various companies in order to give them contract on a given tender. On the script below highlights, the conversation he has had with Deepak and his requirement conditions to award the contract. What should you say to whom, when and how? The script is a telephone conversation, where we have on one end the purchase manager of a small company seeking an order of t-shirt from Deepak Company. On the conversation the purchases manager tries to convince Deepak that he wants the ten percent as commission to award the contract. What are the main arguments you are trying to counter? What are the reasons and rationalizations you need to address? The main argument for the counter are issues to do with offering of bribe to get a tender for new order from the purchases manager (Rose-Ackerman, 2013). This issues need to be addressed since it has become one of the causes of business failure today. In addition, this concept has affected many organizations irrespective being in a particular sector. Tackling bribery issue should be addressed since it is not a business ethical practice, and should be avoided on the highest priority (Svensson, 2002). What is at stake for the key parties (including those who disagree with you)? Loss of business opportunity and a job for the stake parties. The purchase manager is at a risk of losing his job if Deepak reported him on the allegation of corruption. On the other hand, Deepak Company is at the stake of losing the tender if they do not give a commission to the purchase manager. What levers or arguments could you use to influence those with whom you disagree? The purchase manager may seek to lever with Deepak to see his point of view on this opportunity if he let it slip away (Svensson, 2002). He may try to convenience him that it is a win-win situation for both parties. Nobody has to know of the business arrangement they will undertake. What is the most powerful and persuasive response to the reasons and rationalizations you need to address? To whom should the arguments be made? When and in what context? There is need to address the ethical concern within an organization towards the decision-making. Bribery issue is affecting the well-being of many businesses today and it is repulsive and recurrent at every aspect (Beschorner, 2006). The decision of the organization to behave ethically is a moral one, and the employees should decide on what they think is the right course of action. It thus, may involve rejecting on the route that would lead to the biggest short-term profit and project on the long-term benefit to the organization (Hammersley Atkinson, 2007). Individual Analysis On this case study, it highlights on the issue of bribery activities in the business environment. This issues have been previously been seen only through government officials and seeing it to the private sector shows clearly that it is an adamant issue that needs to be addressed as it does not demonstrate an ethical business practice. The case unfolds of a family company in India where one individual tries to stick on his stand that in business there should be ethical behavior and that no such case as bribery should exists. There are those individuals who agree it is the norm in the business and everyone is doing it so they ought to offer bribe also to get contract. What should you say to whom, when and how? On this script, the role that have been identified is that of the partners. It highlights on the argument that exists between the four partners and Deepak. Deepak seeks to get an audience with his father who is the partner and the other three partners and try him tries to explain and convenience them that bribery is not good for the business and it will lead to great ramifications in the future if they condone it (Beschorner, 2006). The scene is set and the four partners have granted Deepak the audience to express his views on this issue. The meeting is at the office of his father. What are the main arguments you are trying to counter? What are the reasons and rationalizations you need to address? The main argument for the encounter is that the partners are taking a standpoint on the issues of running the company. Deepak seeks audience to highlights the issue of bribery and tries to convince them it is unethical for the business to engage to such a trade. The partners have been running the company and have always given bribe to get the contract. The argument is to try to rationalize on whether the issue is ethical or not. What is at stake for the key parties (including those who disagree with you)? The issue that is at stake is the loss of business for the partners. Previously when the partners had refused to offer a bribe there was did not get contract, and when they started to offer them, they got some of the contract. They do not wish to loss the contract they intend to do what it takes to get the contract. On the case of Deepak he is not, willing to offer the bribe according to him this is unethical. What levers/arguments could you use to influence those with whom you disagree? The argument to employ to influence on those that disagree is to come up with a plan of action to tackle on the issues that are raised. It is important to listening at each person point of view on the issues raised and make a unanimous decision based on the reasons provided and their rationale. What is the most powerful and persuasive response to the reasons and rationalizations you need to address? To whom should the arguments be made? When and in what context? The persuasive response on the issue of bribery would be to elaborate on the dangers it possess long run on the business on the other hand if the business does not get the contract it may likely suffer greater loss. This becomes a situation of a dilemma, the best way forward is to weigh the benefits and the loss on the business and take the best course of action. The partners need to decide what they want for the organization. Group Analysis - Scenario Title What are the main arguments you are trying to counter? That is, what are the reasons and rationalizations you need to address? The main argument to encounter and address on this case study is the issue of bribery in the organization. There is a need to address this phenomenon, since the private organization are being also affected by it (Chen, 2016). Organizations need to practice ethical business practices and avoid issues of corruption since they are likely cause adverse effect in the end. What is at stake for the key parties (including those who disagree with you)? The issue at stake for the main parties are loss of consumer confidence, loss of resources. Nonetheless, there is issue of opportunities due because of disagreement to take bribe (Ferrell Fraedrich, 2015). What levers/arguments could you use to influence those with whom you disagree? The levers to use to influence on these parties that disagree is to come up with the alternative strategy in order to get new business opportunities rather than using dubious means to get the business (Fernando, 2016). What is your most powerful and persuasive response to the reasons and rationalizations you need to address? To whom should the arguments be made? When and in what context? The issues of bribery in business leads to diverse consequences in the long run of the business. . The decision of the organization to behave ethically is a moral one, and the employees should decide on what they think is the right course of action (Crane Seitanidi, 2013). It is imperative to follow the required code of conduct for the business and avoid situations that would lead to bribery issues. Scenario Title Cast Deepak Purchase Manager Partners 1,2,3,4 Action Start Scene 1 The scene start with a phone conversation between purchase manager and Deepak. The purchasing manager makes the call to order for t-shirt for the workers and the conversation went as follows. (Deepak) phone ring.grrhgrrh. Purchasing manager: Hello is purchasing manager of a small company and wants to obtain an order of t-shirt for my workers. We are willing to settle fifty percent of advance for the order and make the payment for the rest in 30days time. Deepak: (signs of excitement...) yes I can get on the order will draft a tender for the same. Deepak knows will solve the cash flow problem of the company for the next three to four months. (He drafts the tender and provides the company). Shortly after he receives a call from the purchasing manager and after a lengthened discussion, the manager expounds on the topic. Purchasing manager: To bargain on your contract and if you want it to pass I need ten percent as my commission. Deepak: (Astonished. (In silence) What? . Thinking to himself is this person asking for a bribe from me. Does people employed from private sector brazenly ask for a bribe. Deepak: I will think about your offer give me some time. Purchasing manager: Okay. Scene 2 In the second scene, it is between Mr. Ashish who is uncle to Deepak and a partner in the company and had worked on getting new orders before Deepak had joined up in the company. Deepak: (calls the uncle to inquiry on the case asking for the bribe). Hello uncle? Mr. Ashish: Hello Deepak how are you how may help you. Deepak: I want to ask you something it regards a certain client. Mr. Deepak: How about it. Tell me. Deepak: There is a certain client who wants new order for the t-shirt for his worker, but the issue is he wants to get a commission to reward the contract. How should I handle this, since I think it is unethical for the business to pay bribe to get a certain favor. Mr. Ashish: (Not surprised) this is in order I do not see any problem to pay him, we have been doing this for a long time, before we missed contract to the competitors when we refused to pay. I know it seems unethical for the business, but we need the contract for keep the business afloat. Moreover, everyone is doing it, so arrange and pay him. Deepak: Surprised but uncle, as much as the business is not doing well we cannot risk the reputation of the company in the future. Tarnish the name especially if it becomes known of how we operate. Mr. Ashish: Arguing the firm would not suffer any cost since the commission is factored in the total cost of the good and factored in the price of the order. Kindly organized with him and pay commission between 3-5 percent since the survival of the business depended on the contract. Deepak: Still not convinced, as this was ethical behaviorhe decides to seek approval of the other partners. Scene 3 The scene is set on the purchasing manager and Deepak. He tries to convenience him of the deal on the tender. The conversation is below. Purchase manager: Hello, Deepak, have looked at your contract and I believe your price is reasonable I believe we can work together. Deepak: Wonderful news to hear sir how will we proceed with the work Purchase manager: we are still looking at the tender of the other clients but I think you are favorite for the contract. Deepak: wonderful news am happy to hear the news Purchase manager: there is also an issue we have to talk about, if I to award you the contract I need ten percent as a commission. Deepak: what that sound like a bribe and it is unethical business practice, you should reward the contract based on merit. Rather not on the concept of scratch my back, I scratch your Purchase manager: we do not refer it as a bribe it is a token of appreciation for the award off the contract as there are many competitors for the same contract. Deepak: let me think about your proposal will get back at you. Scene 4 The scene takes place at the office and conversation begin between the partners and Deepak. Partner 1: Thank you all for coming to this meeting, there have been concerns that have been raised by Deepak that needs to be address. He has sought an audience with us and we have obliged to take on the offer to hear what he has in mind. Partners: (they all accept the invitation and together they respond) thank you for invitation. Partner 1: Deepak its your chance to elaborate on what you wanted to talk to us, we are all ears. Deepak: Thank you all for accepting to hear from me, I know you are busy people so let me get to the point (he applaud first he need to articulate on his speech). The issue am having current is bringing new business in the company, over the last six months we have had significant drop in the sales volume, and no new client want to do business with us, due to effects of recession that has occurred. Nonetheless, one purchasing manager of a small company wanted an order of t-shirt for his employees. I drafted the tender and provided him with it to know our best offer on the deal. The contract is worthy 2,000,000 rupees and this surely will help the company for the next few months on the financial problems. The issue that is most disturbing to me he highlighted that he wanted ten percent as commission from this deal if he was to award it. To me this is bribery and it should not be condoned in any business, since it will ruin on the image of the company in the end, it will also leads to l oss of confidence, from investors and customers. Partners: Not surprised on the issue raised Partner 1: We need the contract to keep the company afloat. Partner 2: other competitors are doing the same Partner 3: this issue has affected previously, when we refused to offer bribe. Partner 4: for now we need no ethical practices as you put them, we need to keep the business running. Deepak: (Shocked) What! This is a serious issue to the company reputation; we can get new business elsewhere. Partner 1: Can you deliver on that? Deepak: Yes, I can give me some time, to work on something Partner 2: Where will you get such a client quickly and the survival of the company is at stake. Deepak: I will work with my sales team to deliver on the target. We need to change the way we are doing business and enumerate good business practices. Partner 3: How much time do you want? Deepak: Just one month, will have come with a plan of action to leverage on the company and bring good ethical business. Partner 4: let us give this new blood a chance, I think it is time we changed on the way we carry business, we do not need to risk the loss of many clients over one contract. Partners: (they all node their end with agreement) Partner 1: we will give you one month to come with a plan of action, if at that time no plan in motion; we will take the deal of purchasing manager. Deepak: Okay will do my best to deliver. The meeting was adjoined with Deepak having a task to fulfill and needs to keep his word on delivering a new client. References Abbink, K. (2004). Staff rotation as an anti-corruption policy: an experimental study. European Journal of Political Economy, 20(4), 887-906. 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Thursday, November 28, 2019
Netflix Companys Strategies
Introduction The availability of new opportunities through which the various consumers could watch movies had greatly created a ripe environment for the development of competition in the movie rental industry. Market research indicated that the industry was very lucrative as it totaled a combined consumer expenditure of $9.5 billion in 2004.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Netflix Company’s Strategies specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The industry was made up of four segments. The first was the rentals via mail which raked in total revenue of $2 billion. There were also In-store rentals which brought in revenues totaling to $5.8 billion. Video on Demand (VOD) accounted for $1.3 billion while vending machines brought in $400 million. The industry was projected to hold a higher potential for the increase by 68 per cent in the rental of DVDs between 2007 and 2011. Case 4 is about the competition tha t has been going on between Netflix and Blockbuster, two players in the movie rental industry. Blockbuster launched Total Access, a concept that allowed subscribers to return the movies that they had rented by mail for a free rental. This strategy that was employed by the firm worked greatly as the online sales of Blockbuster nearly doubled. By the end of 2006, Blockbuster had a total of 2.2 million subscribers. This was a huge chunk of the movie rental market given that the firm was started many years after Netflix had been introduced into the market. Business Problem And Critical Issues Porter’s five forces analysis There is a high rate of competition in the movie rental industry in the US. This is supported by first, the high power of the buyers. According to Porter (2008), when there is a variety of substitutes from which users can choose from, they gain significant power and thus they can switch from one subscriber to the other depending on the products that they are bei ng offered. The users could access the movie rentals via live streaming, using their TV remote to place orders from their cable providers or even use Video on Demand services. Also, there was a high threat of substitutes as the users could either go to the theatres, buy DVDs or rent s all this were way through which they could be able to satisfy their viewing pleasure.Advertising Looking for critical writing on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The threat of new entrants was more real in the industry as the cost of entry was not prohibitive. The suppliers also enjoyed a considerable power in the industry especially the movie production houses that were to rent out the various rights for the movies that they produced for rental services. This has been the force that shapes up the competition in the movie industry. Industry driving forces There exists a variety of driving forces that were being faced in the in dustry. First, there was an increase in the online rental of DVDs, movie file and music download and consumers were also highly interested in VOD. This greatly increased the competition between the players in the industry as the firms that operated in the industry focused on how they could be able to provide the services that were required by the various buyers in the industry. The online rental accounted for a big chunk thus a firm that provided the online rental services were more likely to acquire more market share in the industry where the firms operated (Porter, 2008). The industry was also being impacted on by the low prices of high definition TVs. This has provided increased more quality viewing for the various consumers thus an increase in the viewing. The competition ill increase in the industry due to the rise in the number of players who will be involved in the provision of online movie rentals. Industry profile and attractiveness The industry is controlled by innovation. The innovativeness of a firm is a major contributor to the firm’s ability to be able to withstand the environment of the operations. Netflix is very innovative as it could anticipate changes in the tastes of the customers. Those customers who were able to stream the movies direct to their PCs were given an opportunity by the discoveries that Netflix made. The firm was able to anticipate these changes and make discoveries for the technology that was needed. The workforce of Netflix is very innovative thus they are able to ensure that the market demands are met by the firm in terms of the design, production and marketing activities.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Netflix Company’s Strategies specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More When such a scenario comes up, the firm will lose out in terms of both the quantity and quality of the product offering (Thomke, 2003). The movie recommendation softw are that was being used by Netflix also significantly increased their sales as the subscribers were given a list of movies together with their previews. This recommendation was based on the previous orders that the customers of the firm had made. The strategy of Netflix is also long term, for instance, they properly anticipated the changes that would take place 3in the industry. They engage in strategic partnerships for instance the partnership with LG that allowed for the instant watching of the videos direct to the television screens of the subscribers of the firm (Porter, 2008). Also, the firm was focused and anticipated that the profitability in the industry was pegged on the ability to stream content over the Internet and not the traditional method of postal delivery. Even though Blockbuster had been the leader in the movie rental industry, it was faced with a myriad of problems which greatly affected the operations of the firm. The high costs that were incurred by the firm sig nificantly ate into the profit that would have been enjoyed by the firm. The firm also trailed behind Netflix in the various discoveries and innovations. The first instance is that of no limit on charges on the DVDs that overstayed and the use of online moving rentals. The firm still maintained the brick and mortar stores that were significantly incurring more costs than Netflix (Porter, 2008). Considering the analysis, it can be rightfully said that Netflix was best positioned at it was well poised to benefits from the various changes that were expected in the movie rental industry. The innovations that the firm made and the alliances have put it in a strategic position to be able to capitalize on the changes in the climate when the changes do occur. Parameters For Analysis Key success factors in the movie rental industry In the next 3-5 years, there is a variety of factors that will shape the competition in the movie rental industry. The first will be the ease of access. There is a growing consumer trend towards accessing the movie rentals through the provision of Internet.Advertising Looking for critical writing on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This increased level of access has increased the number of consumers who may be able to access the movies (Gamble Thompson, 2011). In most instances, the customers who were not able to access the brick and mortar stores have a higher opportunity to be able to access the movies. The growth has been split between the two major players in the movie rental industry (Porter, 2008). The streaming of movies direct to the PC is also a trend that will take the industry by storm in the coming years. Since the speed of Internet access has been growing at an alarming rate, the players in the industry will need to provide a live movie streaming after subscription. The opportunity will be for the downloading of the movies on VOD or straight into their TV sets. There are also the issues regarding the quality of the offering, for instance, late return penalties, the quality of the movies especially the use of High Definition TV, etc. Strategy of Netflix The generic competitive strategy that is emp loyed by the firm is broad differentiation. The industry was characterized by movie rentals that were delivered by mail, but the firm has seen an opportunity through which it can increase its focus. Apart from offering movies that could be streamed live to the PC of the subscribers, the firm also explored other opportunities for instance the broadening of the product offering to the other platform. The differentiation was good for the firm as the customers began to appreciate the quality that was being offered. The quality of the viewing was an advantage that had been established at the firm (Gamble Thompson, 2011). The type of competitive advantage that Netflix is trying to achieve is differentiation which was in terms of the products that the firm offered and also the quality of the offering of the products of the firm. SWOT analysis Netflix There exists a variety of strengths that are enjoyed by the firm. The first is the high brand recognition. The firm entered the industry at a time when there were very few competitors in the market. Therefore, the firm has continued to strengthen its brand through the offering of unique services, for instance, DVD rental by mail was an original idea of the firm, later, the firm also engaged in offering of a larger variety of products as compared to the competitors. Secondly, the firm understands the competitor’s weaknesses and uses this knowledge to provide services that satisfy the customers. The first issue here is the late fees, when the firm realized that the customers were irritated when they were charged late fees, it scrapped these fees from its operations, therefore creating a good feeling in it customers (Porter, 2008). Netflix recommended that customers be able to buy their movies from Wal Mart while Wal Mart encouraged the people looking for movie rentals to be able to visit Netflix website. Also, the website of the firm is an award winning (Chung McLarney, 1999). It has the capability to accurately p redict and recommend the movies that the visitors will more likely want to rent. This was based on the algorithms that used the information regarding the last (previous) rentals of the customers. The weaknesses included the inability to provide enough copies of newly released movies. This led to some dissatisfaction by customers as most people always prefer watching the movies around the same time that they premiere in the movie theatres. In its endeavors to keep the cost of the operations down, the firm focuses on limited renting thus leading to loss of potential customers (Chung McLarney, 1999). The waiting period between the time the customers rent the movies and the time they are receiving them are also long. Finally, the firm has no direct connection with movie production studios and thus must purchase through the consumer channel making the movies expensive. The opportunity that is available to the firm is the development of live streaming and the ability of the firm to absor b the current providers just as it was able to absorb the Wal Mart’s DVD section. Finally, the threats that are faced by Netflix include the high rate of competition in the movie rental industry. The firm is also less suited to compete with hardware innovations such as Apple TV (Chung McLarney, 1999). There is also the potential threat of entry by other firms for instance in VOD. Blockbuster The strengths that blockbuster enjoy includes brand familiarity. Secondly, the firm has global operations; the firm also has partnerships with movie studios thus significantly lowering the costs of the firm. The firm also offered more avenues through which the movie rentals can be undertaken; by mail or in the stores. Customer satisfaction is achieved through offering a free movie rental for those who returned DVDs by mail, and finally the varieties of the movies chosen. The weaknesses included the damaged brand due to the previous charging of fees, low levels of success in the home deli very of movies and the low investor confidence (Leonard, 1995). The opportunities that the firm had included the creation of store experiences, the development of online network of distribution, lower price offering due to the partnership with the movie production companies. Finally, the threats that the firm faced include the VOD, increased competition especially from Netflix and the deregulation of broadband which would allow for the streaming of movies over the Internet. Sustainable Competitive strength The competitive strength of Netflix compares with that of blockbuster in that while blockbuster has physical stores from which it operates Netflix makes use of mail-orders. Due to the nature of business that Blockbuster has adapted, it enhances its competitiveness through rentals since by renting in many places will ensure that it lowers the high fixed costs (Porter, 2008). Some of the marketing strategies that blockbuster has put in place are game and movie pass which allows clie nts to have a limitless game or rent movies for a month at a fixed rate. For Netflix, the cost structure is totally different in that it has ensured that its fixed costs are far much lower than those of Blockbuster. In other words, while blockbuster makes use of physical stores, Netflix makes use of distribution centers, websites and inventory as its fixed costs and are much cheaper than those of Blockbuster. Due to this, the average rental from Netflix is much lower than that of blockbuster and can attract a higher number of customers. Netflix ahs a better competitive advantage than Blockbuster in that it has a lower cost and also it can increase its markets share greatly by â€Å"stealing†customers from Blockbuster while it would be relatively hard for Blockbuster to do the same (Porter, 2008). In other words, Blockbuster desperately needs to have market share something which Netflix does nott and Netflix can use that to its advantage whenever it needs. Pros And Cons Finan cial analysis of the firm Netflix The earnings per share greatly increased especially following the slump that was registered by the firm in 2000. From 2002 onwards to 2007, the increase shows that the firm has been on the path of success as there was an increase from $ 0.74 in 2002 to stand at $1.00 in 2007. The operating margin of Netflix was increasing especially to 7.6 percent in 2007 from 5.5 per cent in 2006. The current ratio for Netflix stood at 2.07. ROA has been increasing, i.e. from 0.8 per cent in 2006 to 9.8 per cent in 2007 (Kipling, n.d.). Blockbuster The current ratio for 2007 is 1.02, thus, this shows that the firm has a high potential to pay its liabilities as the assets can be quickly converted into cash. The earnings per share of the firm have been on a downward spiraling posting very low figures in 2007. Form $ 6.89 in 2004 to $ 0.45 in 2007. The operating margin of the firm decreased from 4.9 per cent in 2006 to 0.7 per cent in 2007. ROA has been reducing, i.e. from 1.6 per cent in 2006 to negative figures (Kipling, n.d.). Considering the financial ratios, Netflix is in a stronger position as compared to Blockbuster. Netflix has stronger cash flow liquidity than its competitors. Priority management issues At Netflix, there are two main issues that must be addressed. There are concerns about the DVD based movie rentals. This is informed by the fact that there is a high increase in the development of new technologies. Secondly, focus on the provision of new movies (Gamble Thompson, 2011). Action Recommendations The main recommendations that can be given in regard to that two issues include a focus on the provision of movies in other formats. This will be afforded by eh firm especially considering the fact that the firm has a huge reserve of assets that can finance the various operations. The firm should also enter a partnership with the movie producers so that it can further reduce its costs of operation. This will further contribute towar ds strengthening the firm. The issues that should be dealt with by the firm include high costs especially those that are associated with the expenses and the dwindling brand equity and recognition (Gamble Thompson, 2011). The recommendations that will be used in this case include a higher focus on using online avenues rather than the use of brick and mortar stores that require so many employees and high costs of inventory to keep. Secondly, the firm should increase the movie offering so that it can offer the quality that the consumers had known the firm for. Conclusion From the case analysis, it has been established that Netflix will significantly have a higher rate of returns for its investors and will continue to dominate the industry. This is possible to undertake through the differentiation focused competitive advantage, the strategic alliances and innovation at the firm. References Chung, E., McLarney, N. (1999), â€Å"When Giants Collide: Strategic Analysis and Applicationà ¢â‚¬ , Management Decision 37(3): 233 – 247. Gamble, J., Thompson, A. (2011), Essentials of strategic management: The quest for competitive advantage, New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Kipling, R. (n.d.), A guide to Case Analysis. Web. Leonard, D. (1995), Wellsprings of Knowledge: Building and sustaining the sources of innovation, Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press. Porter, M. (2008), â€Å"The five competitive forces that shape strategy†, Business Harvard review, January: 1 -18. Thomke, S. (2003), Experimentation matters: Unlocking the potential of new technologies for innovation, Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press. This critical writing on Netflix Company’s Strategies was written and submitted by user Xavi A. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Heritage Assessment Essay Example
Heritage Assessment Essay Example Heritage Assessment Essay Heritage Assessment Essay Cultural diversenesss have facilitated challenges within wellness attention. To educate our patients there must be acknowledgment of traditional heritage patterns. The Heritage Assessment Tool has been devised to detect cultural features of persons and households along with communities. This tool allows one to understand and esteem the function of cultural consciousness in wellness and unwellness. There is a model for rating of physical. mental and religious values and beliefs in which outlines wellness care. protection. and Restoration. The difference in values and beliefs has a immense impact on the manner people live their lives in all civilizations. Cultural differences affect patients’ attitudes about medical attention and their ability to understand. manage. and header with the class of an unwellness. the significance of a diagnosing. and the effects of medical intervention. ( Euromed Info. n. d. . parity. 9 ) . By analyzing three different civilizations and cognize how their heritage affects the manner they look at health care. it allows a individual to recognize there are so many different heritages and beliefs within the United States that everyone should be accepting of. First. the Liberian civilization as stated by Raymond Gwenigale perceives themselves as being in reasonably good form overall and cipher fumes. This civilization works really difficult. particularly in the Fieldss and that helps to maintain them in form. and their diet is rather healthy with eating many fruits and veggies along with rice as being the chief basic. Liberians believe in both autochthonal medical specialty such as witchery and medicine work forces. but besides believe in western medical specialty. They do non utilize western medical specialty to forestall illness and decease and make non travel to the physician unless they are really ill. This civilization uses a batch of witchery to forestall illness and de cease. For illustration. many Liberians believe that the enchantresss are evil and prefer male childs. So moms Pierce the ears of babe male childs. or braid their hair because they try to do them look like babe misss so the enchantresss don’t take them. Many Liberians besides wear talismans on their organic structures to guard off liquors. They besides put wooden watchbands on baby’s pess to guard off unwellness so if the kid is traveling to decease. you can catch the watchband and draw the babe back into this universe. Liberians do non have on seat belts or motorcycle helmets so when there are money coach accidents. they are normally reasonably bad. Money coachs are the public coachs which are pick-up trucks with benches in the dorsum. Some of them are covered and some are non. There are normally 14 people in one of these money coachs. catching a drive to the market. When there is an accident many people are injured rather severely. The metropoliss and towns have plumbing but the rural small towns in Liberia do non. One thing they do to assist protect their wellness is to do certain that people are traveling to the bathroom in designated musca volitanss so it does non acquire in with their nutrient and H2O supply. Another belief Liberians have is that work forces do non hold intercourse with adult females that are suckling. They say that this spoils the milk. For Liberians. babes must to be able to eat other nutrient before another babe comes along. Having babes excessively shortly together would intend there was non plenty milk to feed them all. This is considered botching the milk supply for the current babe if a adult female becomes pregnant. Besides. in Liberia the H2O is non good in small towns. Everyone must boil it to acquire the bacteriums out and non everyone does that so it is rather bad to utilize expression because babes get ill from it as it is assorted with bad H2O. Therefore breastfeeding is a great manner to maintain the babes healthy. Raymond stated that Liberians combine Western and autochthonal wellness attention systems reasonably easy. They call Western medical specialty Qui Medicine. They normally try traditional medical specialty before western medical specialty. so often their disease has spread or become really bad when they go into the clinic or infirmary. Most Liberians have no job believing in both biological and supernatural causes for their diseases. They say that their disease is caused by something biological. but at the same clip they ask Why did this happen to me? They so attribute this to something like witchery. the zephyr. a dream they had. the cold. or the evil purposes and ideas of other people. When they are ill they will often state person cursed or witched them. As portion of the mending procedure they spend a batch of clip seeking to calculate out who did this to them and much energy is spent hearing witchery narratives. In the Liberian civilization many times people will be in the infirmary acquiring treated by Western medical specialty and besides holding enchantress physicians visit them to make chalk frictions. They truly use both at the same time because they believe in both. The 2nd civilization to lucubrate on is the Irish civilization in which Stephen Kane was interviewed. Northern Ireland is Protestant and Catholic. The Catholics are reasonably rigorous about things like birth control and abortion is illegal in Ireland even for medically indicated grounds. In this civilization it is considered to be making heavy physical exercising by running one time every few months versus on a day-to-day or hebdomadal footing like in the United States. They do wear seat belts and helmets. but do non hold a great diet due to imbibing and smoke. Because smoke is more acceptable in the European civilization than in the United States. the Irish do smoke much more. A basic to eat is fish and french friess whic h is merely deep fried fish and French french friess. There is a national wellness attention plan in Ireland which is so different than the health care in the United States. Resources are more limited in Northern Ireland and are a little more rationed out. Everyone that needs attention gets attention. In Ireland they do non emphasize out approximately medical measures and cipher goes belly-up or loses a place because of an accident. In this civilization they besides are more likely to acquire aid earlier on because they can afford it as it is portion of a national plan. One thing the Irish are bad about making is following doctor’s orders. In this civilization. people stop making what their physicians tell them to make one time they start experiencing better. which is non a good pattern as they are non leting their organic structures to to the full go healthy once more. Last. the Hmong civilization is by and large rather healthy. Sonja Her provinces that their diets are based mostly on soups. veggies. rice and noodles. Besides. m any people in this community are nurserymans. They tend to hold large gardens and turn their ain nutrients to sell at the farmer’s markets. This besides allows for more exercising and healthy nutrient. The bulk of Hmong people are either Shaman or Christian. Most households have person that know how to utilize herbs to maintain healthy and many make different teas or unctions from herbs they buy at the Hmong markets or turn in their gardens. Families besides try to take attention of basic achings and hurting. colds. grippe and things like arthritis at place. By seeking to handle these types of things at place. many Hmong adult female do spooning or rubbing an country of tegument smartly with a spoon. They besides do cupping. which is using negative suction force per unit area on the tegument with a cup. Most Hmong people follow all the major regulations in the Unites States refering helmets and place belts. They besides extremely believe in talismans and protections strings which are ruddy necklaces with Ag and brass. white fabrics with ruddy or white strings on the cervix. carpuss or weaponries. This civilization believes these accoutrements carry a power and will protect them. Like most Americans. Hmong believe that unwellnesss are caused by things like diseases. accidents. environment and familial factors. They besides believe that the psyche can do some unwellnesss which is believed more so by the older coevals. They feel that when a individual becomes ill it is because they upset the liquors doing them roll off from the organic structure. They feel they become ill at this minute because the liquors are unable to happen their manner back to the organic structure. Sometimes it’s an hurt that causes the spirit to go forth. or experiencing sad. lonely or afraid. They besides believe people can acquire ill after a awful event and the spirit might go forth out of fright. The newer coevals of Hmong does use the tradition of utilizing the herbs. tea. cupping and spooning but by and large prefer to see their physician for any unwellnesss so they are able to be treated suitably and rapidly. By analyzing the differences of these three civilizations. it is really evident that each of them are rather different but this author did happen some similarities with each of them. We all continue to remain in close contact with relations even though they do non populate in close propinquity. We all attended public school. celebrate spiritual vacations. and fix nutrients from our cultural backgrounds. When comparing their wellness traditions to this writer’s. it seems as though we all will see a physician for our wellness attention but by and large do non travel in until it is perfectly necessary. Culture is shaped by values. beliefs. norms. and patterns that are shared by members of the same cultural group and cultural values are alone. single looks of a peculiar civilization that have been accepted as appropriate over time ( Edelman A ; Mandle. 2010. p. 33 ) With this said. it is so improbably of import to be non-stereotypical so it is easier to be accepting of other civilizations and genuinely have the chance to appreciate how they live by their traditions. Mentions Edelman. C. L. . A ; Mandle. C. L. ( 2010 ) . Health Promotion Throughout the Lifespan ( 7th ed. ) . [ Evolve ] . Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: //pageburstls. elsevier. com/ # /books/9780323056625/pages/49129901 How civilization influences wellness beliefs. ( n. d. ) . Retrieved from: hypertext transfer protocol: //www. euromedinfo. eu/how-culture-influences-health-beliefs. html/
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Substance abuse Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Substance abuse - Essay Example There are many ongoing debates in regards to this issue, and this is especially so in particular regards to that of the exact distinction between substance abuse and substance dependence; these are two totally separate issues however they are often confused or considered wrongly as being the same thing. In regards to be able to show a proper example of substance abuse, we will be discussing one movie in particular, 28 days. By thoroughly examining this movie and understanding about the environment, the characters, the situations take place, and all of the related issues in this regards we will be able to come to a much more critical and knowledgeable viewpoint in regards to what substance abuse actually is and what can be done about it. There are many critical issues that will be discussed using this film, and this is what will be dissertated in the following. 28 Days is a movie in which basically what happens is a big-city newspaper columnist is forced to enter a drug and alcohol rehabilitation center after stealing a limousine and crashing it into a house; the main character is Gwen Cummings who is played by Sandra Bullock, who is a Caucasian woman that ends up getting into a car crash on the day of her sister’s wedding, and she is then given a choice between either going to prison or going to a rehab center, and so she ends up choosing the rehab center. However, she is not exactly willing to admit that she has a problem with alcohol, and so at the beginning of the rehab center program she is quite negative and is extremely resistant in regards to taking part in any of the treatment programs that they have to offer. However, after a certain point she starts to realize that she does in fact have a problem, and that rather than simply using alcohol she does in fact have an addiction, and she then gradually begins to re-examine her life and she becomes willing to at least give it a try and get herself help and get better.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Employing Strategy in a Competitive Environment Assignment
Employing Strategy in a Competitive Environment - Assignment Example Google’s income still mainly comes from only one source; that means that the company is lacking in product integration. Google has also been on the receiving end of litigation from competitors such as ‘Yahoo!’ and Microsoft. In addition, Google has a lot of competition from a different search engine, Baidu, in China- which is potentially its largest market (Wheelen and Hunger, 2010). Google has also faced accusations of the intrusion of privacy of personal accounts. Google has to look for other ways to make money other than depending on advertisements (Salis, 2009). Diversification will ensure that its profits are not affected even when it is involved in suits initiated by its rivals over different products. Google also has to ensure that it remains at the front of cutting-edge technology in terms of its offerings because its rivals have invested a lot of capital in coming up with offerings that will dislodge Google from its position as the foremost search engine. Google should also invest more in informing customers of its product offerings. It would seem that there are Google has numerous products such as Google+, which mostly remain unknown by its many customers. Even if people know about them, they are unsure of how to operate them. This means that there is a need for more extensive advertising in order to reach customers. Competitive Advantages over Rivals Google enjoys a number of competitive advantages that have propelled it to the front of the search engine market. Google allow customers to be able to access websites in a direct and easy manner. The other search engines often have different advertisements and other offerings that users have to navigate through before reaching their preferred websites. Google has also invested a lot in ensuring that users can surf through different pages at a fast rate. Every search allows the search engine to ‘acquire’ more abilities; thus allowing it to deliver different results at a fa ster rate (Levy, 2011). To duplicate such operations, Google’s rivals would have to undergo a lengthy re-structuring process. Google also allows its users to be able to make money through the ‘Google AdSense’ program - which is something that is not offered by other search engines (Wheelen and Hunger, 2010). Google also provides analytics tools for its customers that can make different search words more comprehensible. For instance, a word like ‘script’ has different connotations; with each meaning being of great significance to a definite group of people. Google also has additional operations such as book and music applications. Competitors Microsoft Corporation is a global corporation which deals in the information technology industry and is one of Google’s main competitors. Google has cornered the market in software by investing in the transaction of software services. Moreover, it still has a lot of work to do to move clearly ahead of Micr osoft. One way in which it can do this is by increasing the rate at which new innovations are made. Google needs to take advantage of collaborative arrangements such as teamwork in realizing objectives so that new products are created at a faster rate. In addition, Google has to further diversify its portfolio so that it has other sources of income and is not just dependent on web advertisements. This will also attract investors who may be reluctant to invest in a company, no matter how
Monday, November 18, 2019
Law assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Law - Assignment Example Owing to this autonomy conferred upon the provincial authorities, many employment laws have been developed and applied within individual provinces. On the basis of this, the arguments made in this paper relate to the employment law, with specific reference to the common law, Ontario Human Rights Code (HRC), Employment Standards Act (ESA) and Pay Equity Act (PEA). In this paper I argue that the employment law, beginning with the Common Law up to the statutes that currently govern it has not always attempted to strike a balance among the rights of employers, employees and society in general. I have made reference to relevant statutes; their foundations in Common Law, and analyzed their overall impact on the welfare of employees, employers and the general society. Cognizant of the fact that not all parties are equally appreciative of the legal provisions of employment, this essay focuses on what implications the above stated legal provisions, statutes and judicial precedents have had on the parties. There are numerous attempts to strike a balance between the needs of employees, employers and expectations by society. However, these attempts have at times been hindered by compelling disparities between different laws that the courts should rely on to make sound decisions. In this respect, judges have at times had to overrule certain legal provisions in order to uphold more acceptable thresholds of determination. These disparities in legal provisions that govern the same aspect of employment form the basis of my argument that the laws have not always attempted to uphold a balance among the parties. To the extent that they difference in content, these laws can be considered as objects of perpetuating inequality in law, as each law with a flawed perspective hurts a party to a case while benefitting the other unnecessarily. For instance, we
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Principles Of Programming Using Net Framework Computer Science Essay
Principles Of Programming Using Net Framework Computer Science Essay The .NET Framework Class library consists of a combination of instructional classes, interfaces, and also value types in which facilitate and boost the actual development practice and supply use of system functionality and they can use to be able to program with. The .Net framework class library (FCL) affords the core features connected with .Net framework architecture. In .Net Framework class library (FCL) structured in a very hierarchical tree design in fact it is broken down in to Namespaces. Namespaces is a logical grouping regarding forms when it comes to identification. The .Net Framework class library (FCL) provides the steady foundation forms which are utilized all over almost all .Net enable languages. Classes are usually accessed by simply namespaces, which usually reside inside Assemblies. The system Namespace may be the main regarding forms in the .Net framework. The course collection (FCL) lessons are usually managed lessons offering having access to Program Solutions. T his .Net Framework class library (FCL) classes are usually object oriented and also simple to operate with program developments. Additionally, third-party components may include using the classes in the .NET Framework. The particular .Net class library type collection comes with a frequent interface involving each of the various .Net programming languages such as shown in fig 1.1. Following are some important namespaces that are defined in the .NET Framework class library: Namespaces Description System This namespace includes all common data types, string values, arrays, methods for data conversion, and methods related to mathematical operations. System.Data, System.Data.Common, System.Data.OleDb, System.Data.SqlClient, System.Data.SqlTypes These namespaces are used to access a database, perform commands on a database, and retrieve and manipulate a database. System.IO, System.DirectoryServices, System.IO.IsolatedStorage These namespaces are used to access, read, and write files, and retrieve file paths. System.Diagnostics This namespace is used to debug and trace the execution of an application. System.Net, System.Net.Sockets These namespaces are used to communicate over the Internet when creating peer-to-peer applications. System.Windows.Forms, System.Windows.Forms.Design These namespaces are used to create Windows-based applications using Windows user interface components. System.Web, System.WebCaching, System.Web.UI, System.Web.UI.Design, System.Web.UI.WebControls, System.Web.UI.HtmlControls, System.Web.Configuration, System.Web.Hosting, System.Web.Mail, System.Web.SessionState These namespaces are used to create ASP.NET Web applications that execute over the Internet. System.Web.Services, System.Web.Services.Description, System.Web.Services.Configuration, System.Web.Services.Discovery, System.Web.Services.Protocols These namespaces are used to create XML Web services and components that can be published over the Internet. System.Security, System.Security.Permissions, System.Security.Policy, System.WebSecurity, System.Security.Cryptography These namespaces are used for authentication, authorization, and encryption. System.Xml, System.Xml.Schema, System.Xml.Serialization, System.Xml.XPath, These namespaces are used to create and access XML files. Several benefits of .NET framework class library: Consistent programming model: Using .Net being able to access data that has a VB. WEB and a C# .Net looks the same as well as slight syntactical variations. Both programs have to import the system. Data namespace, both the programs generate a connection with the particular database and both the programs work some sort of query and display the data on the data grid. This .Net illustration clarifies that there are some sort of single methods of accomplishing a similar job using the .NET Class Library, an essential element with the .Net framework. This features that the .Net class library gives can be found to every . .Net languages resulting in a consistent object style regardless of the programming language the developer uses. When an application accesses data on a remote machine or even has to execute a privileged task with respect to some sort of non-privileged user, security issue difficulty turns into critical since the application will be able to view data from a remote machine. Having .Net, the particular Framework makes it possible for the particular developer and the system supervisor to be able to specify process levels safety measures. Within web purposes, the developer together with traditional ASP would need to present data from a database in a Webpage. He has to write down the application logic (code) in addition to presentation logic (design) inside same file. ASP .NET and also the. NET framework makes simpler development by making distance between the application logic in addition to presentation logic to make it easy to maintain the code. The design code (presentation logic) and also the actual code (application logic) can be created as a standalone eliminating the requirement to combine Html code together with ASP code. ASP .Net may also deal with the facts regarding sustaining the state of the controls, like contents in a text box, among telephone calls to the same ASP .Net page. In .Net Framework it allows you to be able to easily deploy applications. Throughout the commonest type, to setup an application, almost all you should do is to duplicate the appliance combined with the factors it takes in a directory for the targeted computer. The .Net Framework addresses information involving handling along with filling these factors an application wants, whether or not many designs in the very same software are present for the targeted computer. CLS defines standard rules for defining .Net compliant languages. By naming .NET complaint languages, demonstrate your understanding of this concept. CLS becomes a subset associated with CTS. CTS explains a couple of types that may work with different .Net languages have in accordance, which often make sure that items written in various languages those may socialize with one another. The majority of the members outlined by forms in the .Net framework class library (FCL) are common language specification compliant types. CLS is usually a collection of standard language attributes which .Net languages required to develop application as well as Services, which might be works with the particular .Net platform. When there is a situation to write for communicating objects in different .Net Complaint languages, those objects need to promote the particular attributes that are common to all the languages. CLS ensures total interoperability involving applications, no matter of the language used to develop the application. CLS was designed to assistance language constructs widely used by developers and also to make verifiable code, which enables most CLS-compliant languages to guarantee the safety associated with code. CLS involves features typical to a lot of object-oriented programming languages. CLS identifies the basic necessary regulations for any language targeting common language infrastructure to inter-operate together with some other CLS-compliant languages. For instance, a method together with parameter regarding unsigned int type in an object written throughout C# is not CLS-compliant, just like a number of different languages, including VB.NET, which does not support that type. CLS presents the rules on the compiler of a language, which usually targets the .NET framework. CLS-compliant code would be the program code open along and expressed throughout CLS form. Although various .NET languages are different in their syntactic policies, their compilers make more common intermediate language instructions, which are implemented by CLR. Thats why, CLS allows flexibility throughout making use of non-compliant types in the central implementation involving factors using CLS-compliant requirement. Therefore, CLS functions as a tool intended for integrating unique languages into one particular umbrella within a seamless method. Components which stick to the particular CLS rules and also only use the particular features in the CLS are generally called CLS-compliant parts. A lot of the members defined by types in the. NET Framework class library are generally CLS-compliant. Several types in the class library have got more than one members which might be definitely not CLS-compliant. Most of these members allow support for language features which might be definitely not in the CLS. The types and also members which might be definitely not CLS-compliant a re generally recognized as such in the reference documentation, and also in all of the circumstances some sort of CLS-compliant alternative is available. CLS provides several services such as: Code management Application memory isolation Proof of type security Access to metadata Managing memory for managed objects Enforcement of code access security Automation of object layout Helpful for developer services like debugging, profiling etc CTS Defines rules concerning data types .Net, by giving examples of supported data types, describe what CLR is and its role in .NET architecture. CTS are designed as a singly rooted object hierarchy with System. Object as the base type from which all other types are derived. CTS support two different kinds of types: Value Types: Contain the values that need to be stored directly on the stack or allocated inline in a structure. They can be built-in standard primitive types, user-defined or enumerations like sets of enumerated values that are represented by labels but stored as a numeric type. There are several value types in CTS such as: 1. Structures 2. Enumerations Reference Types: Store a reference to the valueà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€¹Ã…“s memory address and are allocated on the heap. Reference types can be any of the pointer types, interface types or self-describing type arrays and class types such as user-defined classes, boxed value types and delegates. There are several Reference types in CTS such as: 1. Classes 2. Interfaces 3. Delegates Although operations on variables of a value type do not affect any other variable, operations on variables of a reference type can affect the same object referred to by another variable. When references are made within the scope of an assembly, two types with the same name but in different assemblies are defined as two distinct types, whereas when using namespaces, the run time recognizes the full name of each type (such as System. Object,System. String, etc.). The rich set of types in CTS has well-designed semantics such that they can be widely used as a base type in Common Language Runtime (CLR) -based languages. This is why all .NET developers must have a thorough understanding of CTS. Describe what CLR is and its role in .NET architecture. Common language Runtime (CLR) is the engine accessible in .Net framework to be able to compile and also run the program. CLR engine will not compile the code into machine code but it will convert the code into a set of instructions. CLR aids developers inside taking care of equally in allocating and also reallocating of memory. This kind of process cleans away a couple of the greatest resources for programmer error like leaks and also memory data corruption. CLR can be great for security functions. CLR produce permissions to some portion dependent on what method it runs in, validates the code based on data like details about code on time load and also the internet site from which portion ended up being received for you to assign permissions using a component-by-component basis. Also, CLR inspections the code to see in the event it is often altered. The particular metadata in a CLR portion can easily contain a digital signature that can be used for you to examine which the portion end ed up being written by true particular person which that hasnt been improved. Some of the benefits of CLR (common language runtime) are: Performance improvements. The ability to easily use components developed in other languages. Extensible types provided by a class library. Language features such as inheritance, interfaces, and overloading for object-oriented programming. Support for explicit free threading that allows creation of multithreaded, scalable applications. Support for structured exception handling. Support for custom attributes. Garbage collection. Use of delegates instead of function pointers for increased type safety and security. Components of CLR (common language runtime): Class loader MSIL ( Microsoft intermediate language) Code manager Garbage collector Security engine Type checker Thread report Debug engine Basic class library Exception manager
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